O no Tadatatsu (多忠龍)

O no Tadatatsu (April 10, 1865 - December 22, 1944) was gagakuka (musician of old Japanese court music) and the member of Imperial Art Academy.

He was born in the gagakuka family of Imperial court since ancient times. His father was O no Tadakiyo, Ukone no shoso (Secretary of Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) (1847 - 1916). He was originally from Kyoto Prefecture. He became the first grade Shusshi (supernumerary government official) of the Imperial Household Ministry in 1872 and the Gagaku musician in 1888. He became gagakushi (court musician) and gakushi (musician) (clarinet player) in 1902. He became the Master of Music Department of the Imperial Household Ministry. He resigned in 1924. He became the member of Imperial Art Academy in 1937. His book "Gagaku" was published in 1942.

[Original Japanese]